Friday, May 14, 2010

$%^s& ucsi

It has been started my class two weeks like that but our time table

keep changing...summore
almost every classroom that we

entered was full of seat.It was so annoying every week get the

same trouble.Dunno how the department arranged it...#&*(%!@# !

I really hope that our time table dun re-change again.......*_*!

Let's c the pictures.....hoho....I even cant c the whiteboard

and the lecturer.
UCSI is money sucker.....intake lots of student but

not enough classroom & parking for us!

If park wrong place tht is no white line then they will lock ur car

and pay them RM50...but heard
my frens said they will discount

abit for good tis UNI is... = )

"I realized that since all my friends reopen their class no one free to update their blog....-.-! "

pls update la~ : D hahahah...